InnoDB is a database storage engine for MySQL relational databases, which is used by widespread PHP-driven web apps like Magento and Joomla 3. It’s excellent for scalable applications, as it performs incredibly well when processing enormous amounts of data. Rather than locking the whole database table to import new information into a database as many other engines do, InnoDB locks only one database row, so it can perform much more tasks for the same length of time. Besides, InnoDB offers a faster database crash recovery and supports transactions and foreign keys – rules that prescribe how data imports and modifications should be treated. If a specific operation has not been fully completed for whatever reason, the action will be rolled back. Thus, the database content will stay safe and sound and will not be partially merged with newly added content.

InnoDB in Cloud Website Hosting

You’ll be able to make use of any PHP-driven software app that requires InnoDB if you have a cloud website hosting with our company, as the database storage engine is available on our cutting-edge cloud website hosting platform as standard. Throughout the app installation – manual or automatic, InnoDB will be selected as the default engine and the setup process will proceed impeccably if this engine is needed. You can run apps which require the MyISAM engine without any difficulties as well and, again, the engine will be selected automatically, so you will not need to configure anything manually at any moment. In addition, we’ll also make daily backups of all the MySQL databases that you have in the shared web hosting account, so if you erase or overwrite something, we can swiftly get it back to the way it was on any of the past 7 days.

InnoDB in Semi-dedicated Servers

If you create a new MySQL database through the hosting Control Panel coming with all our semi-dedicated server plans and you start installing a PHP script-based application either manually or using our one-click application installer, the database storage engine will be set automatically on the basis of the prerequisites of the specific app. As InnoDB is available on the cloud hosting platform where your new semi-dedicated hosting account will be created, it will be set as the default engine for each application that requires it without the need for any manual action on your end at any point. To avoid any risk of losing data if you update an app or if you delete a database unintentionally, we will generate backups of all your databases each and every day, so if anything goes wrong, we can rescue your content.

InnoDB in Dedicated Servers

InnoDB is available as standard with all dedicated servers ordered with the Hepsia Control Panel. It’s an integral part of the software package that will be pre-installed on all Hepsia-equipped servers, so once your machine is assembled, you’ll be able to log in and to activate any type of PHP-powered web app that needs this particular MySQL storage engine. If you create a new MySQL database through the hosting Control Panel, there won’t be any activated engine until you begin installing an app. Once the app configuration wizard starts inserting data into the database, the engine will be selected automatically based on the prerequisites of the application in question, so you can run both MyISAM and InnoDB without selecting either of them specifically at any point. Therefore, you can use a vast range of apps for your Internet sites.