If you have purchased a web hosting plan and you’ve got some queries about a concrete function/feature, or if you have faced a certain problem and you need support, you should be able to touch base with the respective help desk support staff. All hosting providers use a ticketing system regardless of whether they offer other means of contacting them apart from it or not, as the easiest way to fix a problem most often is to post a ticket. This mode of communication makes the responses exchanged by both parties easy to track and permits the customer service team members to escalate the situation in the event that, for instance, a sysadmin needs to interfere. Typically, the ticketing system isn’t directly connected to the hosting space and is part of the billing account, so you have to use no less than 2 different accounts to touch base with the client service staff and to actually manage the hosting space. Non-stop switching between the accounts might be a nuisance, not to mention the fact that it requires lots of time for the vast majority of hosting providers to answer ticket requests.

Integrated Ticketing System in Cloud Website Hosting

In stark contrast to what you may find with numerous other hosting providers, the ticketing system that we’re using with our cloud website hosting is included in the Hepsia Control Panel, which comes with all web hosting accounts. You won’t need to remember several log-in credentials, as you’ll be able to manage both your tickets and the web hosting account itself in one place. So, if you have a query or face a complication, you can contact our technical support engineers straight away. Our ticketing system offers a smart search option. This goes to say that even in case you have opened a vast number of tickets through the years, you will be able to find the one that you need easily. You can also see knowledge base recommendations for solving commonly faced obstacles.

Integrated Ticketing System in Semi-dedicated Servers

If you have opened a semi-dedicated server account with our company and you wish to get in touch with our customer service technicians, you will be able to open a support ticket directly from your Hepsia hosting Control Panel instead of using a totally different client support platform like you’ll have to do with the vast majority of hosting providers out there. Our integrated trouble ticket system will allow you to post a new ticket without effort and to browse through older tickets using an intelligent search filter. You’ll also be able to read the applicable knowledge base articles that our system will present to you based on the category that you choose for your new ticket. You can do all of the abovementioned procedures without logging out of your Hepsia Control Panel at any moment, which suggests that if you chance upon any obstacle or have an inquiry, you can get in touch with our technicians and fix the given problem in less than an hour via a single platform.