Increased CPU quotas

Additional power for your web applications and web sites

A semi-dedicated server is designed to offer you far more resources when compared to a shared hosting account, yet in precisely the same simple to operate bundle without any server management involved. Also, since on a semi-dedicated server you can find much less people than on a shared web hosting server, this means not simply considerably more resources for your websites but additionally increased security for your web presence.

INFANTES’s semi-dedicated servers are equipped with higher CPU consumption quotas, rendering them a fantastic choice for your resource-consuming web sites and applications.

Increased CPU quotas

Increased MySQL queries

Host dynamic MySQL tables effortlessly

Due to the advanced server segregation concept put together by our administrators, we’re able to allocate a prolific number of database requests to your sites. This will help you maintain multi-media sites with significant databases that’ll be frequented frequently by a great deal of customers. Should you have a busy database powered website that grows every single day, you’d better take into account moving to a semi-dedicated server before you start exceeding the restrictions on your shared hosting platform.

Increased MySQL queries

USA Data Center

A top-of-the-line USA data center

All semi-dedicated servers reside in our state-of-the-art US data center located in Chicago, Illinois. It was amongst the very few US facilities that made it possible for us to use our modified internal network and also the only one that could provide the hardware we wanted in due time. It has a fantastic help team, which is readily available day and night.

Another key advantage of our US data center is that it gives excellent network connectivity with the rest of the world. Because of that, all US semi-dedicated servers will experience the best web site loading rates.

USA Data Center

Site Control Panel

Coordinate your sites with a simple click of the mouse

It’s now as easy as abc to maintain your sites with the next–generation Web Application Installer that we have designed exclusively for you with ease of usage into account. Coordinate all of your data files with easy drag & drop steps, register, transfer and control a lot of domains from just a single area, make email addresses immediately, operate email list promotions easily, make and access your databases with a click, check site data in real time, etc). Professional applications including a framework installer, an .htaccess generator and a hotlink protection application are included as well.

Site Control Panel

Faster Performance

Your sites will now load noticeably faster

Our semi-dedicated servers ensure a a lot faster overall performance for all of your sites. The networking bandwidth has been improved to 10 Gbits in order to better the network interaction and to help your sites load more rapidly. Spare servers have been integrated to simplify server repairs and maintenance actions and to greatly reduce bothersome service interferences and outages. The semi-dedicated servers use NVMe drives, which are much more stable and speedier as compared to the regular HDDs employed by a lot of web hosting firms.

Faster Performance