The service uptime is commonly dismissed by many people when they're looking for a new cloud website hosting provider, but it can often be far more significant than the actual plan attributes. It won't matter how good a plan is if the websites hosted in the account are inaccessible for long periods of time. Such downtimes in many cases are penalized by search engines like yahoo, not mentioning the fact that site visitors will most likely not revisit a website they experience problems with. Because of this, it is important to check the stability of the web hosting service before getting a new account to be certain that the success of your websites will not depend upon third-party variables, but entirely on their content and on your advertising and marketing campaigns.

Service Uptime Guarantee in Cloud Website Hosting

We guarantee 99.9% service uptime for each cloud website hosting account on our web servers. We use an avant-garde cloud Internet hosting platform in which every part of the hosting service is managed by an independent cluster of servers, therefore if one server fails, the other ones inside the cluster are going to take over at once. The cloud platform also decreases the overall load considerably, therefore the hosting service is considerably more stable compared to a service where everything runs on just a single machine and your Internet sites will perform in the best possible way. We furthermore have redundant Internet lines and diesel-powered backup generators to make sure that your websites will remain online no matter what. Hardware and software firewalls warrant the correct functioning of the web servers in the case of DDoS attacks while in the case of any software problem, we have admins monitoring the machines 24/7.

Service Uptime Guarantee in Semi-dedicated Servers

If you purchase a semi-dedicated server package from our company, you are going to enjoy a guaranteed 99.9% uptime. Your account will be set up on a cutting-edge cloud website hosting platform with a load-balancing system that practically gets rid of any kind of downtime. The files, e-mail messages, stats and databases are all addressed by their own clusters of web servers, so even when there's a trouble with one machine, your sites aren't going to be affected whatsoever. This enables us to provide a much more stable website hosting service as compared with companies that run everything on one web server where a problem with a single service can take the entire server down. To avoid infrastructure difficulties, our data centers work with a number of Internet providers and powerful diesel generators, so regardless of what happens, the web servers will keep functioning without any interruptions and your sites will remain functioning. Any software problems will be addressed without delay by our proficient group of professionals which keep an eye on all servers 24/7.

Service Uptime Guarantee in Dedicated Servers

While we cannot control what you do with your dedicated server, the types of offline software and / or script-driven apps you set up on it or how often you reboot it, we can make certain that it’s accessible a minimum of 99.9% of the time. Your machine is going to be positioned in our state-of-the-art facility in the downtown area of Chicago and its uptime and accessibility is going to be guaranteed by powerful diesel backup generators and redundant Internet providers, so no blackouts or other infrastructural problems will affect the proper operation of your websites at any time. Our expert team of system admins will make sure that if your server stops for some reason, it will be restarted quickly. To prevent any chance of failures, we'll give you a web server with new and extensively tested hardware components to make certain that your Internet sites are up and running no matter what.